
Culture club

Life of business and industry professionals, managers, engineers, specialists in many areas of activity of companies and enterprises, loaded business concerns, flights, negotiations and a lot of mandatory meetings.

In view of this MMI-PRO can provide a lot of opportunities in the field of culture, leisure, sports (football, hockey, racing, water sports), festivals and hobbies to come to Moscow and living in the Russian capital, and, along with it, in many cities around the world to assist in the selection of activities and advance planning.

On the basis of their own cultural expertise and operational cooperation with the charity fund "ARTIST" MMI (Metals & Miming Intelligence) - PRO has a wide list of recommendations and options for Fall 2015 and subsequent periods, including:

  • Thematic and private parties with figures of theater and cinema, vivid personalities, dividing their talents, abilities and passions,
  • Visiting Moscow theater "Satyricon", "Soveemennik", MKhT, MTYUZ, the Theatre of Nations, the Vakhtangov Theatre,
  • Museums AZ, fully devoted to the work and life of the artist Anatoly Zverev (1931-1986),
  • Presence at the national, thematic, cultural festivals, scheduled to be held in Moscow in October-December 2015,
  • View in conjunction with associations of fans of football clubs Manchester United, Arsenal and Chelsea broadcasts on big screens Premier League games, as well as group visits of live matches of the season 2015/2016 in Britain,
  • Tasting Whisky Time following the conference "Coal and coke. Technologies and Risks", as well as roughly every Friday at the end of each working week.

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